Wednesday 19 October 2011

Pink Panther editing task

This is our editing task that we created on final cut express. We chose to pick Andy Warhol's painting of Marilyn Monroe. We understood that if we made the images the same size then it would give the effect that it was just the colours that were changing. Our desired effect worked very well. This taught us the fundamental skills we need later in our project.
To create the video that matches the beat of the music we first researched into what images we could use. Luke came up with the idea of using Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe. We found  a website on the internet that changed the colours on the original image, we then saved the pictures and music into final cut express. We listened the the song and decided when we would place markers down. We made sure we put them in the appropriate beat changes and hits. We then arranged the six images we had chosen in the correct format in line with the markers. We then cut the images at the correct point so that the image changed colour at the point that the saxophone was playing. The overall video now looks very good and we feel we have accomplished something that we didn't know how to do before. we believe we succeeded in learning more about final cut, creating an effective video.

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